stand development rodinal

Recipes for Rodinal Stand Development – wpwentzell | photo

Feb 23,  · This development sheet was developed for use with Tri-X film, but should prove effective for most films. One roll 35mm film (two reels in tank): 5ml per 500ml Rodinal to distilled water – Rodinal 1+100. One roll 120 film (one reel in tank): 6ml per 600ml Rodinal to distilled water – Rodinal 1+100. @ASA 400 • 5 minute water pre-soak.

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Rodinal should be your first black and white film developer: here's why

Stand developing with Rodinal will decrease the contrast, as the developer exhausts itself in the highlights, and has extra time to find developable grains in the shadows. It's a technique that can bring a lot of detail out of images that have been pushed 2 or more stops above their box speed.

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Rodinal - Pictorial Planet

For Stand Development dilute 1:100, develop for 1 hour or 1:200 and develop for 2 hours (for higher compensation). Agitate for the first minute and leave to stand for the remainder of the time. Maintain 18-20C in a water bath. Do not move the tank or film during this time. Any film or film speed will do but try it on something unimportant first!

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Stand developing in Rodinal

Feb 22,  · Re: Stand developing in Rodinal. « Reply #29 on: January 08, , 01:23:16 PM ». I use this method of developing almost exclusively. I dilute at roughly 1+100. For 120 I use about 600-700 ml of water with 5ml of Rodinal for each film. For 35mm i use 4 ml and 400ml.

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Underdevelopment through Stand development possible

I am trying to figure out how to under develop with rodinal. This has a very specific application and it will not be for all, most, 

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Trying Rodinal | Photography Forums

Paracetamol is Para-aminophenol - the developing agent in Rodinal - with the addition of an acetate radicle. Caustic soda detaches the radicle to form sodium acetate + para aminophenol. The amounts used are: 7 gms Paracetamol / Acetaminophen - that's 14 x 500mg tablets 10 gms Sodium Hydroxide 13.4 gms Sodium Metabisulphite

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FilmDev | Recipes & dev times using Film Foma Fomapan 400

20 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F Rodinal 1+25 - 20 min @ 20C Ilfostop Stop Bath - 1 min@ 20C (reuse) Kodafix By Ok* on 04 April 2022 Foma Fomapan 400 in Agfa Rodinal 1:100 1 hour, 30 minutes (Stand developed) at 20°C/68.0°F Presoak for a few minutes. Agitate for one Minute. After that one inversion By Kamerakata on 28 March 44 recipes in total

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Rodinal from pain reliever, drain cleaner, and preservative

I wanted to try stand or semi-stand development for its promise of handling a wide range of ISO ratings on the same roll.

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Stand develop your film with Rodinal, Kodak or Ilford developer

Stand development is an old black and white film development method. Let's see how to do it with Rodinal, Ilford LC29 or Kodak HC110 !

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Tutorial: Rodinal Stand Development - Andrew Kaiser

Dec 13,  · Relating that to film, during stand development the Rodinal will exhausts itself in areas which require greater development whilst remaining active in less-exposed areas, which

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My approach to Rodinal semi-stand film development

Feb 12,  · My approach is pretty simple: rodinal based chemistry, and slight agitation at certain points throughout the timeline, which makes it a semi-stand rather than a full stand.

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Codes & Standards | City of Hillsboro, OR

The City of Hillsboro Design and Construction Standards help to keep people and property safe by setting minimum standards for the design and construction of public infrastructure. The Design and Construction Standards ensure adequate quality and function of public improvements. While the information in the Design and Construction Standards is most relevant to developers and engineers, there

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Tri-X @ EI 400 Stand Development in Rodinal | David Shoots Film

Dec 12,  · Tri-X @ 400, Rodinal 1 hour stand development, Minolta XD11 and 58mm MC Rokkor 1:1.2 Recipe: 3.5ml Rodinal (Adox R09 One Shot) per roll (I did four rolls in this batch) 40 oz (US) water (effective dilution 1:85) 30 seconds initial agitation 3 slow inversions at half hour 1 minute water stop/rinse Fix Permawash LFN wetting agent

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Stand development with Rodinal

Stand development MEANS you let it stand after initial inversions, you don't "agitate" every minute as somebody suggested above. If you have the 

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Stand Development — Casey Shields

There is plenty on the internet on the topic of stand development, but I thought I would give some examples of the pros and cons that I got on a couple rolls from this week. Two rolls of Tri-X, metered at 320, developed in the same tank. 5 ml Rodinal, 495 ml water 1 minute slow agitation and sat untouched for 59 minutes at 20 degrees C 1 minute

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Developing Fomapan 100 in Rodinal - Aware of the Void

Here I mixed my Rodinal at 1+50 so with my three reels I made up 1500ml of developer. My recipe for this was. Pre-soak in water for 5mins. Rodinal 1+50. Gentle inversions for 1 min (about 30). 5 x gentle inversion at each min. Stop bath for 1 min. Ilford Rapid fixer for 5 minutes. Final rise for 10 minutes.

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Stand and semi-stand development of film

Shah Sells Films, Film Cameras and, Developing Chemicals in McAllen. Some commonly used BW chemistry is D76, HC110, Rodinal, Ilford DDX, 

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Stand Development - D76 Rodinal Sheet Film comparison

I used what I feel is a semi-stand development, or very low agitation technique. First was water pre-wash, for about 3-5 minutes, then pour off. Then 8 sheets developed in D-76 1+3 dilution, and 8 sheets developed in Rodinal 1+50 dilution. I adusted the times for temperature using the rule subtract 2% per 2 deg F over 68 deg F.

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I think I’m in love: stand development in Rodinal - David Shoots Film

Sep 27,  · Stand development is a technique in which you literally let the film “stand” in diluted developer for a long period of time with minimal agitation. In my case, I diluted Rodinal 1:70, poured it into the tank, and let it sit for 2 hours. Every half hour I inverted the tank (the minimal agitation). So the tank spent half the time upright, and

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Rodinal developer -

Appreciating Rodinal : The oldest commercial developer Gundlach Korona 5x7 with 4x5 back, Graphex Optar 135mm/4 I will modify the semi-stand development to using Rodinal 1:100, 30 seconds initial agitation followed by two inversion every ten minutes for twenty minutes Rodinal Developer uk, IG tedsmith_photography, FB tedsmithphotography) as our

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Seawood Blog - Developer Comparison - HC-110 vs. Xtol vs. Rodinal

Rodinal is also a liquid concentrate which is known for lasting a LONG time and has a number of dilution options. It tends to have a much more course grain when used with higher speed films and is not recommended for pushing film. While it is considered grainier, the edge acutance can give more punch and more perceived sharpness.

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